Tier 4: Innovative Strategies

Tier 4 of the micro credentials program in instructional design shifts focus toward mastery, innovation, and broader influence within the field. At this stage, learners are expected to not only demonstrate expert knowledge and application skills in instructional design but also to contribute to the evolution of the field through original research, innovation, and thought leadership. Live support in this tier emphasizes personal development, leadership growth, and the cultivation of a professional identity as a thought leader in instructional design.

Artificial Intelligence

Project Management


Tier 4 Courses

Full access to all courses in Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4

Add live video support to your membership

Options include:
  • Live weekly 1-2 hour group sessions with your peers where you can learn from others and gain multiple perspectives on the assignments and projects in all courses.
  • Enjoy private 1:1 coaching calls. This level of support includes 1-2 meetings weekly lasting 1-2 hours each.

Weekly Group Support

Weekly Video Support calls are held to discuss your projects, answer your questions, teach you new tips and tricks, and interact with your fellow learners!

Private 1:1 Weekly Coaching

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